The driver maintains control

Seitenansicht Ethos und i-Ryde

i-Ryde power assist brings every wheelchair
user safely to their destination.

Do you experience these issues?

i-Ryde Icon Kraftaufwand

Hard to push

i-Ryde Icon Muskelkater

Aching muscles

i-Ryde Icon Schulter und Nackenprobleme

Shoulder and neck pain

i-Ryde Icon Schritt halten

Keeping up with pedestrians is exhausting

i-Ryde Icon Sehnenscheidenentzündung


i-Ryde Icon Hornhautbildung

Callus formation on your palms

i-Ryde Icon Rollen auf schlechtem Untergrund

Difficult rolling on uneven surface

i-Ryde Icon Hindernisse im Weg

Obstacles in the way

Save your strength
for the more important things in life

only € 5152

only € 5152

VAT included
including rigid frame adapter

VAT included
including rigid frame adapter

i-Ryde komplettansicht

“i-Ryde” your new attitude towards life

i-Ryde Icon Mobilitätssteigerung

Widen up your mobility range

i-Ryde Icon Kräfte sparen

Save energy for the most important things in life

i-Ryde Icon Lebensgefühl

Increase quality of life

i-Ryde Icon 3 Geschwindigkeiten

3 speed levels

i-Ryde Icon 3 Sicherheitsstufen

3 security levels

i-Ryde Icon kein Verbindungsabbruch

Hard-wired for continuous connection

i-Ryde Icon selbstmontage

Easy to attach to any wheelchair

i-Ryde Icon hoher Anpressdruck

Designed to have ground contact all times

i-Ryde Icon keine Kippgefahr

Driving stable

i-Ryde Icon günstigster Zusatzantrieb

Most cost effective unit on the market

i-Ryde Icon kostenträgerfreundlich

Fun to ride

i-Ryde Icon schiebehilfe

Perfect for career assistance

i-Ryde Icon Steigung



i-Ryde Icon Reichweite


i-Ryde Icon Nutzergewicht

User weight

The i-Ryde in pictures

i_Ryde montiert am Rollstuhl
i-Ryde Befestigung an der Achse
i-Ryde komplett
i-Ryde Steuereinheit

Questions about the i-Ryde

What does the i-Ryde cost?

Please contact us, as the price varies from country to country.

Who is the i-Ryde suitable for?
The i-Ryde is suitable for everyone with walking difficulties, from 0 to 99 years. Whether carer or self-propelled, the i-Ryde is convertible and therefore unique for everyone. If you are unsure, contact us and let us advise you.
Is the i-Ryde for me ?
Try it out and take a test drive.
How does the i-Ryde fit on my wheelchair?
There is a solution to every problem. The i-Ryde is designed to fit any type of wheelchair. 
How is the i-Ryde attached to my wheelchair?
With a quick release fastener that can be removed at any time. All adapters are designed in such a way that the assembly can be easily and independently mounted on the wheelchair without further assistance.
Are tools included with delivery?
You don't need any tools. The i-Ryde was designed in such a way that the assembly can be easily attached with a twisting and tilting movement.
How do I transport a wheelchair with the i-Ryde
Transporting it is very easy. First, detach the i-Ryde from the wheelchair and the control panel and stow away. Then load the wheelchair as normal.
A free transport bag is included.